1st Mile

As it is in life and with anything that we want to accomplish it all begins with that proverbial first step. I still remember how it felt to finish that first mile after being away from the sport for so long, I was EXHAUSTED! I had planned on going out for an "easy" 3 mile run and ended up walking back. LOL So believe me, I know how it can be to get out there and start running for the first time or to start again. You CAN do it and if you need a little help or motivation well that's what I intend to do here.

Have you ever read a book (maybe even a blog), perhaps seen a movie that got you all pumped up and just feeling like you could overcome anything and be just like the protagonist in the story? For me that movie has always been Rocky. I really could watch ALL those movies over and over again and I always get that same feeling of empowerment and inspiration. Well, just like boxing there's actually movies for running that also evoke those same emotions. So whether you're just starting off or maybe training for your next big race I would strongly recommend watching the following movie. I know you will LOVE it and will be just that thing to push you over the edge to run your first mile or shatter your next PR (personal record). Really how could not be inspired by the story of young boy running for a miracle to save his mother's life! VERY inspirational.


For you bookworms out there I have two must reads. The first here is an excellent resource for all those just starting off. Learn about all the basics and get some great motivation as well to get you going!
"After running for awhile we will find (faith) that running brings with it a certain freedom and inspiration that a gym, elliptical machine, or treadmill can’t even come close to . . . it is then that wonderful things begin to happen, and we begin to run inspired." 


This one here I just absolutely loved and strongly recommend it to all runners especially if you've been running for a while already. If you have I'm sure you've already seen it somewhere or heard about it. It's definitely got to be one of the most interesting books to come out about running in recent times. Have you seen this whole new revolution in "minimalist" style running shoes? Well you have this book to thank for that. Find out how it inspired so many people to consider running barefoot and how we really were Born to Run!
"McDougall’s incredible story will not only engage your mind but inspire your body when you realize that you, indeed all of us, were born to run."


"Anybody can be a runner. We were meant to move. We were meant to run. It's the easiest sport."
Bill Rodgers

HAPPY RUNNINGS!  I have a long 14 miler tomorrow. See you out on the roads! 


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