To Inspire and Motivate!

Let the running begin! 

Hey everyone. Jose here. Welcome to my corner of the world wide web where I hope to inspire and motivate (hence the title of this first post) many new and maybe former runners back to your running ways. WAIT...don't go off running away just yet. If you hate even the thought of running then I hope you stick around long enough to read my continuing posts and maybe I can change your mind. Who knows, you may be a natural born runner!

I do have a slight twist to this whole running thing though. Eventually (actually already in the infant stages) I plan to write a book on how running can actually help you succeed in ALL areas of your life. I strongly believe this. I've run 4 full marathons now and still striving for that Boston Qualifying time so I'm not elite or a professional runner by any means but I do enjoy spending time out on the road and training to reach my goals. This is where I relate running to life and success in general. I believe if you can train for and successfully complete a FULL marathon, yes all 26.2 miles, then you can take those same principles and methods that led you to success there and apply them to any area of your life to achieve the same results. (details to come later)

So if you want to know HOW to succeed in anything......GO RUN A MARATHON! 

I hope you'll become a follower of my blog and I'll share with you a little bit of everything from the coolest running gear, inspiring books to read, my latest running triumphs and failures and above all the motivation to get you out the door and RUN TO SUCCESS!!


  1. I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
